Making the call to the media fraternity, Friday, Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Masidi Manjun said it was important to tell the industry players their strengths and weaknesses for further improvement.
"Don't just be complimentary where we have done well while suppressing the negative aspects. There is a need to identify problems confronting the tourism sector in Sabah.
"Any bad news is most welcome for we can transform this bad news into good news.
"Unless and until we know the problems, there is a tendency for us to be complacent. And complacency will lead to a slide in the standard of service in the tourism industry," he said during the Sabah Tourism Media Night at the Cock and Bull at the KK Waterfront, here.
An appreciative Masidi gave the thumbs-up to media practitioners for the good coverage given to the tourism industry in Sabah.
"The media's contribution cannot be underestimated. The media industry has played a vital role in making Sabah well-known to the world.
You have undoubtedly done a great job," he told reporters and photographers present.
But what the Minister liked most was the courage of journalists to write news stories or features without fear or favour.
"Your critical appraisal is for the benefit of the industry though it may be unfavourable or unpleasant to the ears," he said.
Meanwhile, Masidi stressed that it is the duty of every Sabahan to promote culturally rich Sabah as an ideal destination for both domestic and foreign tourists.
"Any effort in this direction should not be left to the Government alone.
In fact, every Sabahan in his or her own little way is a spokesman or woman for Sabah.
"If everybody contributes, their synergy will bear fruit and everybody will benefit from the tourism industry," he pointed out.
Also present were the Political Secretary to the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Environment, Datuk Amisah Yassin, General Manager of Sabah Tourism Board, Datuk Irene Charuruks, Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Environment, Datuk Suzannah Liaw, and President of the Sabah Journalists Association, Datuk Joniston Bangkuai.
Source : Daily Express