
30 September, 2010

If Women Rule...

Is the topic hot enough? Hehehe…
Seriously, if women rule are you guys will obey all the rules? But that’s not my point. Actually this morning, while ironing my cloth I watch ASTRO History Channel. The documentary was about Strange Ritual : Warrior Women. Here is the synopsis of the documentary (source : History Asia)

We live in a man's world...or do we? Three thousand years ago, the story of Amazon warriors spread among ancient Greeks. Nowadays it is dismissed as myth. But archeologist Jeannine Davis-Kimball has found evidence of women warriors in ancient gravesites in the Caucasus.

That same warrior spirit is alive and well today, as we discover in Brooklyn's all female boxing crew, Team Freeform. In Oklahoma, Wilma Mankiller fought her way to power to become the first woman to lead the Cherokee Nation? Enduring death threats and constant ridicule from male colleagues.

And in the remote village of Mosuo in southwestern China, we discover one of the only surviving societies where women rule.   

Want to see the documentary? Grab your Astro Guide and see if there is a replay. Seriously, it was very interesting and I never knew this culture was exist.

Women are known as a delicate feature. In some nation, women are considered weak and their rights were often or continuously denied. Cannot go to school, cannot go to work, cannot speak out their mind, and trapped inside a marriage ~ their only world was called home, no more no less. Scary isn’t it?

Here in Malaysia, women are so lucky. We are treated the same level with the men. Take Tan Sri Zeti Akhtar Aziz, the Bank Negara Malaysia Governor for example. For others, this position was only a dream and far away from imagination. But Dr. Zeti proved that women also can achieve the highest career. Work hard and don’t waste the opportunity. I am sure that most of you aware that Dr Zeti was named as one of the “World’s Best Central Bankers” over the past year (click here for the news). 

I was thinking…If women ever rule, will women capable of managing the entire nation? Belum cuba belum tahu kan (If we not tried it, we will never know the result). If I was given the opportunity, first I will find way to eliminate ‘corruption’ forever and ever. Hahaha…sounds easy right, but it is not that simple. Only a true warrior can do it.

Enough of my ramblings. The question here for women…If women given the opportunity to rule the entire nation, what will you do? Ladies, don’t said that you will paint all the buildings in pink because the idea alone will make the guys horrified. Hahaha…
Guys, your opinion also welcome here ^ ^  

p/s all pictures are download from Google

29 September, 2010


Congratulation and thanks to Cik Tom for being my 

Everything Fun Begins Here Tomato Gurl's Life Blog

28 September, 2010

What A Wonderful World

What a wonderful world...A beautiful morning to start the day! The sky is so clear...
That’s one reason why I enjoy go to work by bus. Of course my favourite seat was near the window. I enjoy watching people’s movement. Each day was a same route, but you might not know what you will learn along the way..sometime you will surprise what a simple thing can do to you.

Like today…when I stare at the clear blue sky, an odd feeling struck me. Something like feeling grateful because I am alive and have the opportunity to have a beautiful day!

What I saw has given me a fresh perspective about my own life. Life is a gift from God that we should not take for granted. While God gives, He may take it all. Riches today, gone tomorrow. High position today, a common man tomorrow. How fragile our link to the material world is.

It doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor…just appreciate what you have in your life. For example, finding joy in doing and savoring the simple things God has bestowed upon us ~ our friends, families, our leisure time, our health, our work etc… 

:: download from google ::

But don’t get me wrong. I mention that life is a gift and the way I describe my version about life make it look like an easy thing to handle. NO. Life is complicated and no one can deny it. Even a king has a bad hair day ~ see, everyone has their own problems and worries ~

There is time when you feel that everyone is turning their back on you but don’t forget there is someone who always stand beside you. No matter what situation you face, He is always there..And the question is not WHAT KIND OF PROBLEM you have but HOW WILL YOU DEAL with it…

27 September, 2010

Monday Morning Motivation

It's Monday again...
Well, don't be sad...I know most of us doesn't like Monday 
(including me...hahaha)
Garfield said, try to look the day at the bright side. Alright, will try my best...
Here is Monday Morning Motivation for today...
Don’t be proud of what you have now. Be proud of what you did to get what you have now.
Ciao for now. Will update and visit your blog later...

25 September, 2010

Mount Kinabalu, Our Heritage

Mt Kinabalu (4095m) is the tallest mountain in South-East Asia and is situated in the Kinabalu National Park in the province of Sabah in Malaysian Borneo. Thousands of tourists visit Kinabalu National Park each year and most come with the intention of climbing Mt Kinabalu.

Fortunately, Mt Kinabalu is one of the easiest peaks in the world to conquer. It takes just two days and climbers don't need any previous experience at mountain climbing. At sunrise, the views from the Mt Kinabalu's summit at Low's Peak are spectacular, making all the effort worthwhile. 

Mount Kinabalu, our heritage. The climb of a lifetime…
Seriously, have you ever climb Mount Kinabalu before?
Ten years ago, after the final exam we went climbing Mount Kinabalu. That is the most unforgettable experience I ever had. 

You don’t have to be an athlete to complete the climb. In my experience, all you need is determination. Climbing Mount Kinabalu maybe easy and achievable but it is tough. I said it’s easy because you don’t need special equipments or a skill to climb the mountain. It’s tough because from Timpohon Gate, you have to walk on foot before reach Laban Rata. That six kilometers (6KM) walk alone will take four to five hours (depends on your fitness availability). 

You have to stay overnight at Laban Rata guest houses before continue climbing the next morning. Wake up around 2am, it will take another 3 to 4 hours to reach the summit. A few of my friends cannot make it and gave up. They decided to stay and wait at Laban Rata. See, exhaustion can break your strength easily, that’s why determination is very important.

But exhaustion is not the only reason that makes climbers to give up. At high altitude, altitude sickness will affect climbers differently. Most will experience mild headache and some will be overcome by nausea and vomiting. The headaches can be helped with paracetamol or similar, and plenty of water. But, if you suffer badly from altitude sickness, the only remedy is to return immediately to lower altitude. Your guide is experienced in this area and he will tell you if it's not safe for you to continue.

Here are some tips to distract the feel of exhaustion. Try to chat and laugh with your friends, take time to enjoy the breathtaking view and take pictures as many as you can along the climb. Anyway, there is an ancient myth (my parents also told me this) that don’t ever try to pick flowers/plants along the path and don’t do something stupid like screaming at the top of your lungs or fooling around because that kind of behavior will make the spirit angry. I am certain that nobody want to get lost at the mountain right? 
Don’t be scared you still can chat and laugh…hahaha. We have our own religion and belief but I think it is not wrong to respect the spirit of nature ^ ^

Come visit Sabah and climb the proud Mount Kinabalu. If any of you already conquer the mountain, do share your experiences…
p/s sorry about the pictures...hahaha. Its been ten years, I really regret that I didn't take care all the pictures... 

Website you might want to visit  :

24 September, 2010


:: credit to ::

Seriously, I am B.O.R.E.D
Are you B.O.R.E.D too??
If you are, try this game...
Believe me, you will want to crash your computer after this...hahaha

Are you ready?? Here is the game Ball On A String Game
(credit to  
Lets see how B.O.R.E.D are you. Click on the ball and it changes colour. I managed to change it light blue>yellow>blue>grey>pink>light green>blue>green>blue>purple

Good luck ^ ^ 

Welcome Every Morning With A Smile

Morning Coffee Pictures, Images and Photos

Welcome every morning with a smile. Look on the new day as another special gift from your Creator, another golden opportunity to complete what you were unable to finish yesterday. Be a self-starter. Let your first hour set the theme of success and positive action that is certain to echo through your entire day. Today will never happen again. Don't waste it with a false start or no start at all. You were not born to fail...
~ by Og Mandino

23 September, 2010

Canopy Walkway at Poring Hot Spring, Ranau

Have you ever try canopy walk before?
Welcome to Canopy Walkway at Poring Hot Spring, Ranau.
This canopy walkway is a must visit for anyone who ever sets foot in Poring Hot Springs. Take a stroll amidst the lush canopy of the Menggaris tree~king of the forest. The walkway is 157.8 meters long and 41 meters high.

~ waiting for our turn ~

I must admit that I am terrified of height. But I challenged myself to do it, actually this is the second time I walk through the canopy. If I survived the first try, why not this second time? lol…


The reason they built this walkway was to provide an opportunity or to experience the wildlife that can be found up there. However, it is not our lucky day because we didn’t see any creature roaming around the tree. 

~ at the surveillance deck ~

If you wish to take a break and enjoying the view of rainforest surrounding, they provide a surveillance deck. Take your time but don’t take too long, everyone is waiting for their turn.   

At one point, I nearly gave up. I was like OMG, can I even finish this? My fiancé, brothers and sisters keep teasing me from behind. I was in the middle of the walkway, so there is no turning back. The only option was to continued and praying that the walkway will not crash. Hahaha…

~ Yeah! I managed to finish the walkway ~
~ End of ~
I don’t even know what I am doing up there. Seriously, you are supposed to enjoy the lavish view but the only thing that wandering in my mind was to finish it ASAP.  I heard a couple of tourist said, "this is a nightmare". Hahahaha…        
Moral of this story~if you are afraid of heights then do not attempt this Canopy Walk or you will be at risk of getting stuck.

But believe me, terrified of height or not…the experience was worthwhile, almost exotic! 

Visit Sabah Tourism Website for more information.
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