
03 March, 2011

Blogging And Wedding Story

Sumandak in the house :)

Naaah, it becomes a habit my update cames in the middle of the night, hahaha...Who to blame? Myself lah, who else...Anyway, I manage to steal some time in the office and doing blogwalking on my lunch break.  Not much but better than nothing. I can see that everyone is busy either with work or life. Some still have time to update their blog at least twice a day (~~), are they superhuman or what. Oh, don't get me wrong. That was a jealous statement, a harmless one...hahahaha. And some are busy preparing a wedding. Jeng, jeng, jeng...

One of my widget gone today. I deleted it after the long battle between me and myself. Can you tell which one? haha...I hope after this, the loading page will be faster than before. Faster like a car using Shell RON97 (hahahaha). Next widget is the Cbox (sob, sob and sob). This one is very hard decision to do, seriously I don't have the gut to remove it but as you can see the 'kupi-kupi corner' is full with SPAM. And it will only a matter of time before the creepy Malware found a way and attack my blog! Like everyone of you, that kind of situation must be avoided the best you can (hohoho). I don't know, I will let the 'kupi kupi corner' stay for a while before I make my decision final. Do you have any idea about this? 

Forget about the blogging thing. Let's go back to the wedding story. Who is getting married? Definitely not me :) Two peoples that I know are getting married this month. One is this Saturday and another one is my best friend Zezebel :) Her fiance just upload their wedding invitation on Facebook. I must confess that I feel a little bit depressed about this wedding thing. Peoples around me keep asking me when is the 'big day' including my father (hohoho). Do you think its easy to get married? I don't know about your opinion but for me getting married is not about get married just like that. I believe that someone must well prepared mentally and physically before entering such commitment especially women.   

Why women? Hello, do you read newspaper...How many women out there, left by their husband just like that. To make things worst, the abandoned wife has no job but got children to support. If you have no experience about work, especially when you married at young age, how are you going to support yourself and your kids...maybe family members can help but temporarily not forever. Thats what I mean prepared yourself mentally and physically because we will not know what might happen in the future. If something happen, at least you already know what you must do and how to look for solution.

Ya, I am afraid and I am not ready to get married. But apparently, age is not waiting for me to be ready (hahaha). Every year the number keep increase. The higher the number, a chance to get pregnant will decrease. Don't ask me why, it is a basic knowledge about women health :) Naaah...If I don't get married as soon as possible, I will look like a grandma to my 10 year old children in the future...hahahaha. Just kidding (@@). If everything went well, maybe I will have my big day by the end of this year (hohoho). Pray for me and Mr. M kio...

Orait lah, that will do for today. See you all later...Sweet dreams :)   


  1. Hi mandak.. Hee~ Bahaya jg spam, ble attrack malware virus ka pla.. bru tau.. yg mcm tu mo detect dia spam ka x??
    n goodluck with ur wedding plan yaa! hehe.. God bless.. ;)

  2. It's normal for you to think whether you are ready or not to get marry. I read about that broken marriage story but have faith of God and have a balance understanding with you and your future hubby. Ha, nanti you faham juga tu hehe...

    By the way, I got married at a very young age; early 20's and I've been married for 14 years suda. Banyak cabaran owh, Jane tapi I know this is how God testing us.

    Adus, emo pula sa. haha! Bah, saya kupi2 dulu di blog sa.

    Take care kio (^^)

  3. my best wishes utk zezebel...huhuhu aku stuju tu mandak...kawin ni bkn perkara senang...pengalaman aku sendiri, aku nmpk cemana kakak2 aku sekarang...fulltime hsewife...sandi owh...skrg ni masih mo pikir2 lg mo kawin ka x hehehe...

  4. @edith

    Hai Edith, Malware boleh datang dalam pelbagai rupa (aah, lain pula ni ayat) haha...Salah satu dari tu Chat Box lah. Kalau mau tau itu spam kah tidak, cuba ko klik tu link dia...Kalau dia bawa direct tu page yang lain-lain rupa dia, faham lah tu...

    Oh thanks for the wishes kio :)

  5. @Wyne @ Mouren Mauve

    Moi, my mum also married at the age of 18 kah kalau saya tidak silap (haha). Memang banyak cabaran dan dugaan, itu yang menakutkan tu tapi kalau tidak berani terima cabaran macam mana mau hidup kan...Takkan tidak kahwin pula. Tapi itu masing-masing punya pandangan lah...Ada juga orang yang saya kenal masih belum kahwin walaupun sudah 'nakalanut' sebab takut atau tidak berani mau pegang tu komitmen. Ada pula yang takut mau beranak...deii

    I respect you, kahwin dalam usia muda tapi mampu mempertahankan your marriage. Sekarang nie banyak pasangan yang kahwin muda tapi satangah jalan sudah cerai...lelaki tidak apa lah, they got nothing to lose. Perempuan yang selalu jadi mangsa. Hilang punca, hilang tempat bergantung...

    GBU too moi :)

  6. When the time is right, people will get married.. ;-) When one finds the right person to be married with, they'll announce the big day kan. I sort of understood how you felt.. Not me lah but I feel it when I saw people, esp the relatives, kept on asking my sis 'bila mau kawin?' and the question hopped to me with 'ko lagi bila mau anak numbur 2?' Argh! That kind of Q really killing me. Haha.. Belum masa dia lagi bah kan..

    Anyway, have fun on the last day of working this week.. Cheers, mandak!

  7. @Nor Adzwaty Rokkafella

    TQ :) Nanti saya ctau dia...
    Itu lah mesti cukup persediaan tu, jangan ingat kahwin untuk siok2 saja. Bukan senang tu, kita ingat indah saja dari luar tapi di dalam Tuhan saja yang tau...haha. Time bercinta semua OK saja tapi bila sudah kahwin and tinggal serumah 24/7 baru tau ada perkara yang tidak serasi. So mesti bertimbangrasa dan mesti tau menerima kebaikkan dan keburukkan pasangan kita...

    Tidak apa juga tu jadi full time housewife kalau husband mampu dan boleh support. Tapi pendapat saya, wanita sekarang kena ada kerja dan pendapatan sendiri, tidak boleh juga harap 100% dari husband. Biasakan diri untuk berdikari supaya if anything happen in the future, kita bersedia to take the challenge...

    OMG! Matai lah saya ni kana hentam oleh husband-husband di luar sana. Pandai-pandai buat statement begini...hahaha

    Jangan susah mandak, belum sampai seru bah tu macam saya (haha). nasib si Mr. M sabar menanti...

  8. @AnnieMing


    Ya, that kind of Q, try check this...

    ~ (Single) Ko bila lagi mau ada BF ni?

    ~ (Sudah ada BF) Bah bila lah kamu tunang ni?

    ~ (Sudah tunang) Bila lah kamu kahwin ni?

    ~ (Sudah kahwin) Jadi bila kamu ada baby ni?

    ~ (Sudah ada baby) Bila lagi mau tambah?

    I was like OMG sebab the Q will not stop...hahaha. Apapun yang penting gumbira :)

    Cheers! It's Friday...

  9. I got married at the age of 21. And it's true that we do have lots of challenges along the way. But the thing is, if you commit to each other and love each other very much, you'll accept each other no matter what weaknesses or shortcomings you have. In time, we'll learn to cooperate and accept that nobody's perfect. {aiseh, macam kata2 org yg expert dlm marriage pla ni...haha}

    I agree with you about women have to have their own job as well. As much as I want to be a stay-at-home mom to my son, I can't stand it if I don't have a job and earn my own money.

    If you're not sure whether you're ready or not to get married, you better wait and figure it out first. All the best! =)

  10. hahahahahahaha.... Sabar ko mandak.
    People just asking most probably because they're concern about you. Its up to you to process their question. You cannot just simply pick a guy and said "mari kita kawin bisuk", like in the movies.

    People don't know what your feeling are but you do and you know what happened to your own life.
    I should had been married long time ago but something happened. Not everyone know including my family.

    What I mean is, walk with your own pace not by what people told you so. Don't worry to much about people question. When the time come, your status will change to "married" one day.

  11. sumandak bout da cbox thingy ada cara ba mo block spam masuk dat. Cuba ko godek d pun lupa da cmna..:)

    ermm..bout da wedding pula, for me it's not dat worst ba getting married..hehe but not secured as well la.. in fact apa2 pun x secured ba dlm dunia ni kan...hv faith ja. once ko join da club tu kan.. u both will sort things out naturally...:) so dont b afraid k.. capat2 la join club kami...:)

  12. just loved reading this post, of course it's up to you when you will be ready to tie the knot w/ the BF. It's a little bit scary but when the right time comes, you'll know it.. thanks for visiting, see you around.. :D

  13. xsuka org yg suka spam benda2 mengarut...

  14. U update in middle of the night?

    I read in middle of the night..!

  15. end of this year sounds cool ba moy! :D


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