
22 October, 2011

Kundasang Trip With gadisBUNGA

Kundasang trip with gadisBUNGA 

Sumandak in the house :)

Alright, just a short update...

Like I mentioned yesterday, the secret finally revealed (hahahaha). It was a Kundasang trip with gadisBUNGA, one of my blogger friends. I was so excited finally I have the opportunity to meet her in person. All this while we just exchange comments on blog. When she told me about her plan to Kundasang, I am more than happy to accompany and show her around...

Watching the sunset at Batu 36, Kundasang

However, I was a little bit worried...I mean how are we going to treat each other without feeling awkward. But guess what, the moment I fetched her at the aiport...after greeting each other, we simply talk and talk like old friends (what a relieved). What can I say,  gadisBUNGA is very friendly (^_^)     

Eh, this entry should be a short one! haha...Alright, thats all for now. The next entry will be about places we managed to visit during the trip.

Till then, enjoy your weekend... 


  1. wah jeles... selama ni bulum ada g kawan blog yg sa jumpa huhuhu

  2. it's been a week since our first meeting Jane and i still can feel the excitement. you really made my vacation possible. really fun to know you in person. :)

  3. o jumpa kawan blogger in person...

  4. I love Kundasang too and I'm sure your blogger friend really enjoyed it

  5. It feels so great to finally meet with a blogger friend in person kan? :D Inda menyesal la dia pigi Kundasang, tempat dia cantik2 dan sejuk lagi..


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