This entry is just a ramblings...
I am at home, enjoying the comfort of home. How about you, still fighting with the traffic jam?? I went to work by bus. Traffic jam or not, the bus driver always found a solution for it...hahahaha
Okay, I am trying to update and reading friends blog but my broaband is working like an old machine. The coverage is unstable and I am doing my best to control my own temperature or I will end up crashing the poor broadband. Just kidding...
By the way, I got two awards today...thanks to Si Biskut and Kay. I will post an entry about this awards tomorrow, I PROMISE ^ ^
And I am thinking about a new blog's template, will work about this one too tomorrow...
That's all for now. Got to go...shower and dinner are waiting. See you all tomorrow...
sama2 ba sumandak...hehe