
29 June, 2011

Wordless Wednesday : Pekan Lundu

Wordless Wednesday : Pekan Lundu

A sneak peek :)

28 June, 2011

Kuching Rushing Trip

Sumandak in the house :) 

How are you all doing? 

Finally I have the chance to update this long PAUSE blog (~~) Alright, last entry I promised to shared my Kuching rushing trip. Anyway, I cannot write it in a crazy style because I am not crazy enough right now (@@) The reason for that rushing trip was to accompany my baby brother (he definitely will get mad if he saw this...hahaha) to register at UITM Sarawak.

flying with AirAsia, now everyone can fly :)

Call me 'jakun' or whatever but frankly speaking that was my first time ever travel by air. Of course I am nervous and scared (hahaha). The reason? My brother said I watched too much and become obsessed with the Air Crash Investigation on Discovery Channel. And he was right (~~) During that one hour flight, I kept thinking that we will crash at any time...hohoho   

Okay, enough of that. 

After make sure my brother got everything he need and safely install in the hostel, me and Mr. M continue the journey to his brother's home. Although the journey took almost two hours and a half from Kuching, it was worth...I just regret that I didn't took any pictures of the scenery due to tiredness (hahaha).

Okay, I think that will be enough for now. Next entry is about Pekan Lundu. Stay tuned...

06 June, 2011

Of Jeruk Nenas And Ramblings...

Sumandak in the house :)

How are you doing today, think you survive Monday? hahaha...I have a confession to make, I am craving for Jeruk Nenas right now! Anyone out there have the same feeling? (~~)

They definitely have the same feeling with me...hahaha

First of all, thanks for taking time reading My Sabah Vacation Contest. I hope everyone of you can join it since the contest is very easy :) All you have to do is send one of your interesting picture while travel in Sabah or for those who doesn't set foot in Sabah yet, you still can join the contest (don't worry). Just send your picture with the flag of Sabah. Pretty easy, isn't it? After that, ask your friends, families or the whole world to LIKE the picture (^___^). The highest LIKE will be announced as the winner and of course, you have to have Facebook account for that...hehehe

Next... (the feeling become stronger, kobihis...astaga!)

For those who are interested or want to win a hosting, this is your chance :) Read Sabahan Bloggers Club June 2011 Giveaway. Make an entry about the giveaway, the most creative and original will become the winner and guess who is the judges ----------- the boss of SBC, Zezebel and Sumandak Kinabalu (hehehehe). Join the giveaway, send me books and I will take care about your participation...hahahahahahaha! Orait, I was just kidding (coughing) --- Bribery is strictly forbidden :)

Orait, don't want to talk more about it (Jeruk Nenas! Jeruk Nenas!). After all, I already mention it in my previous entry. I just want to highlight it, in case you miss the chance...hehehe  

Last month I have this short trip to Kuching....yayyy!! I was supposed to write about it but couldn't find the right time (sobbing). Seriously, I want to write it in a crazy style because finally Sumandak Kinabalu got the chance flying high to the sky (hohohoho). My friend said, I should consider it as my birthday present....Yes, it was definitely the best birthday present from myself to myself :)  

Oraits, lets share this...hahaha

Got to go...till next post

02 June, 2011

Join My Sabah Vacation Contest

Sabahan Bloggers Club is organizing a contest. Join My Sabah Vacation Contest, you could win up to RM250 worth of items in this contest. My sabah vacation contest will start from 1 June to 30 June 2011. All you need to do is just send to us your Sabah vacation picture to, we will upload it to our Facebook page; The winner will be choosen based on the most Facebook Like. All Malaysian are invited to join this contest. Only one picture is allowed for one person.

First Place:
1xRM100 top-up (Celcom, Digi or Maxis) and a collection of novels, such as in the picture.

Second Place:
1xRM50 top-up (Celcom, Digi or Maxis) and a collection of novels, such as in the picture.

Third Place:
1xRM10 top-up (Celcom, Digi or Maxis) and Kitty Journal 1xHello as in this picture. (3 winners).

RM30 extra top-up (Celcom, Digi or Maxis) to members who receive the highest LIKE.

What you need to do?

Go to My Sabah Vacation Contest for term and conditions

Good Luck :)

PS : The first and second prizes really makes my eyes rolling (~~), but I cannot, banned, disqualified from joining this contest (sobbing)


If I have the chance to join this contest, I will post the picture below during our happy time enjoying the Pelian Fish Massage at Kampung Luanti Ranau. Please LIKE...hehehe (^_^)

SBC June 2011 Giveaway

This is an easy SBC June 2011 Giveaway to all our Malaysian blogger friends. You just need to make an entry about this giveaway (with this post URL) in your blog, comment in this blog with your entry URL. For June 2011, our prize will be 1 year of domain+hosting for mysilver Package from NetKL. We will only have one winner. Winner will be chosen based on the originality and creativity of your post. Our SBC Admins; lunaticg, Zezebel & Sumandak Kinabalu will be the jury/judges of this giveaway. Our June 2011 giveaway will start from 1st June until 30 June 2011.


NetKL mySilver package.

400 MB Storage Space
7 GB Monthly Bandwidth
1 MySQL Databases
200 Sub Domains
FREE 1 Domain (valid for .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info or .name only)

What you need to do? 
Go to Sabahan Bloggers Club Blog to read the term and conditions
Good luck :)
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